These photos cover the UK Post-Apocalyptic larp The World Went Dark – Out Of The Frying Pan. All of the images are by the talented Charlotte Moss – there will be links to her websites at the end.

Although I haven’t been to an event myself yet I am incredibly impressed by the enthusiasm and work that goes through the World Went Darks Facebook Group. It is full of discussion on both the props that make the world and the inspirations behind it. Read the group and you are left in no doubt about the thinking behind the game.

Here then are the photos.


All these images come from  This  Charlotte (Charlie) Moss’s larp photography site. It is well worth a visit and if you like an image you can buy. The section dedicated to the second World Went Dark site is here. You’ll find more images if you like what you see here.

Also consider supporting Charlie on Patreon.

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