Add Your LARPs Profile

At LARPBook we are very keen for LARP groups and clubs to become known. This why we are introducing profiles.

The idea is very simple. Imagine someone is thinking about coming to one of your events for the very first time. What should they know? All we want to do is help players choose their next larp.

To participate in LARP Profiles just complete the form.


Name of Contact
In case we need to talk to you
The name of your club / larp organisation
We'd like to include an image gallery for your larp. Please tell us where we can find pictures that we permission to use.
In Which Country Do Your Events Run
Please select the closest genre(s) to your larp. You may select up to 2 genres to better describe your events. For example a futuristic soldier game could be Military / Science Fiction
For a typical event do the majority of individual players get a custom plot? If so how much
On average how many events a year. Also, do players need a lot of commitment? I.E. do players need to attend every event
At your usual event sites can you describe the facilities

Please note that should only complete this form with the permission of the organiser of your larp.



Take a look at Existing Larp Profiles

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