We’re at Curious Pastimes Event 1 2018, “Erin: Uile no rud sam bith”. This is a halftime report so to speak. It’s Sunday morning. The event started on Friday and ends on Monday.

We’re recording event diaries and at the moment the place to find these is our Facebook page. There will be a post that collates all of these and they will eventually go to YouTube. Right now the live stuff is on Facebook. This is turning out to be a good way of working for us. So expect instant on Facebook, and everything following on here and on YouTube

I haven’t forgotten about Instagram and I’m coming to that. When we photograph an event we try and stay out of peoples faces, so the phone camera doesn’t work so well at distance. This event I’m experimenting with new lenses and a new camera. We’ve had some amazing shots and so that are purely experimental. Either way expect a slew of updates on Instagram as the photos process.

Saturday we met up with a lot of old friends.  There was planning for events coming up. Also I’m getting some special prop work done – I will explain that when it happens (sorry for the tease). It will probably take a few months to complete

Coming up today we are planning to look at some more of the play and we have a plot to make a blacksmithing video.

There’s going to be a battle

And we will be recording some more diaries

It’s been a glorious event so far. I think that’s going to continue


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