UK and America

Some advertised Larps are for teenagers. As they have a better understanding on more adult topics and activities. ( Battles , Politics etc)

In England there a many larps that accommodate children in their systems. for example : Curious Pastimes and Carum LRP ( to show an example of large system and a small system).

In The USA there are a plethora of systems that accommodate children these are smaller games. run by schools , youth groups and external Larp organisers (Veteran or New ). this helps kids that may have a lack of confidence or might need an escape from the real world. (For many reasons like trying to find a place of expectance ) .

Here are a some examples of US LARPs for Children

  • Adventure quest ( Table top RPG turned into a LARP)
  • Mice and Mystics ( Max 4 players , 7+ years old )
  • No Thank You, Evil ( Max of 5 players , 5+ years old )

( All of these larps from the list were originally table top RPGs) (information for this list is from the links below)


Information on Larping Websites

I have discovered a lack of information activities for Children in larps on some larp websites.

Obviously certain systems may not advertise that children go to their events , whilst other systems may not advertise many activities for children on their websites. ( This can effect the urge to send children to events )

My experience with Larping with disabilities

Hi I’m Jack Gibbin Co-owner of Clash of the Cosmos LRP. I’m here to speak about my experience of LARPing with disabilities .

I have some disabilities these are : Dyslexia , Dyspraxia , Hypermobility and High functioning Autism . which causes many difficulties for me in every day life . These disabilities don’t define me. As even with these conditions I have achieved so much and i have had so many experiences . For example running my own Larp system. which is a hard job but it’s something I’m passionate about doing in This great and large hobby . my disabilities do effect me at events. for example with my Hypermobility I struggle doing to much exercise . as it effects my joints and puts me out of commission for at worst a whole day

Larp is always been good to learn coping strategies with my Autism and to help me with my hand eye coordination. with sword fighting as my coordination is apart by my Dyspraxia .

In General LARPing is a great experience. it gives people that might have disabilities an opportunity to “fit in “. Into a community that have the same hobby .

If you have children who are Autistic like me larp systems like Curious Pastimes and Carum from my experience are really good at supporting kids with sensory issues to feel comfortable to enjoy this fantastic hobby .

Image Rights

The image used on this website is by Gerry Thomason.

Full details can be found on this link:

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